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Auto suggestion : Be a master of your own mind

“Every thought we think is creating our future.” 

Louise Hay

Auto suggestion is a powerful technique. It can be used in any situation and can enable a person to have desired results by using it . 

Auto suggestion: A psychological self talk technique

Auto-suggestion is a psychological technique involving the repetition of positive affirmations to influence the subconscious mind, ultimately shaping one’s thoughts, beliefs, and actions

For example, if a person is shivering with cold but he repeatedly starts telling himself that he is not feeling cold, he is feeling hot then in a little while it is possible that he will start feeling hot, even in an extreme cold weather. 

What is this? It is called the power of mind. 

Here  a human is using the power of his mind and telling it to behave in a way he orders it, and this conscious order that he gives to his mind is called auto suggestion.

Auto suggestion in a layman term means becoming the master of our own mind. That means making the mind think the way we want. But we on the other hand became a slave of our mind, obeying its order’s and letting it think what it wants. 

extraordinary from ordinary. Present moment

Auto suggestion is the medium to influence the subconscious mind.

Auto suggestion : Be a master of your own mind

 What is the subconscious mind? 

“Your subconscious mind works continuously, while you’re awake, and while you sleep. Every action you take is controlled and orchestrated by your thoughts.”

 – Napoleon Hill

 Subconscious  mind is a combination of our nature , habits and experiences. The things we can do without putting any extra effort are habits. Things like breathing, the exchange of air in the surrounding of our body, the movements of our hands are called nature. 

 We are constantly breathing 24/7 without putting effort into it. We do it so naturally that we don’t even realize that we are doing it. We are seeing, our body is working, everything that is necessary for our survival is happening inside of our body on its own, this is subconsciously our body is doing. 

Or let’s say when you learn driving you learn it consciously, but after mastering it become a part of your subconscious then you do it without putting extra effort in it,  while driving you must be thinking a lot of stuff but still you subconsciously are driving. So, this is what the subconscious is. 

Relationship between autosuggestion and subconscious mind 

No thought whether positive or negative can enter the subconscious without the aid of auto suggestion. 

Auto suggestion in simple words is repetition. When we are constantly repeating something in our mind consciously, with time that thing penetrates in our subconscious. And then automatically without any effort that kind of thoughts start coming in our mind. 

Steps in using auto suggestion

First step: plant a seed of desire carefully, 

Auto suggestions help in making our desire, a burning desire. Desire is like a seed, we only need to carefully plant that seed in our subconscious. We need to carefully choose the correct desire, which we want to plant, because once we plant a  lemon tree our whole life will become sour. But if we can succeed in planting a mango tree our whole life will be sweet. 

Auto-suggestion operates on the premise that the subconscious mind is receptive to suggestions, and repetitive affirmations can shape one’s perception and responses.

Second step:Concentrate on nurturing the seed of desire, 

After carefully selecting a desire we need to fully concentrate on it, we can watch videos, read books, have conversations regarding that thing, we need to constantly remind our mind about that thing in any form or way. Our concentration and repetition will make that desire a part of our subconscious. 

For example, if you have a desire to achieve excellence in any field. First you need to identify the correct definition of excellence in your field, then tell your mind that I want to achieve that excellence., then repeat it again and again and again until it becomes part of yourself. 

Let me give you another scenario

Let me ask you when you set your alarm for your school or college, was that alarm able to wake you up or do you want to sleep more even after alarm bells? 

If your answer is that you always want to sleep more? 

Then remember when you have to travel or have to go on a trip you must have woken up even before your alarm clock rings. Why? Because when you think of going to college or school you feel lazy but the same you, when thinking about a trip you think in mind, hurry, I am going on a trip, that will be a lot of fun.

 I will definitely go, and you repeat this sentence in your mind many times, in different forms even without knowing, you make plans for your trip, you feel excited, and with all that repetition you are actually telling your mind that you have to go on a trip so mind woke you up on time but that’s not the case with college. 

Muhammed Ali the great boxer said, he always tells himself that I am the greatest, I am the champion. And with full spirit and belief before every actual fight, that enables me to win half of the fight even before the actual one. 

You know what we can’t make 3 kinds of people lose, one that is the winner in his mind and the one who doesn’t want to fight and the third one who is a loser in his own mind. So make a habit of telling your mind you are a winner, and the one who is winner in his own mind can not lose real battles of life. 

It is the culture in the Martial Arts world that they teach their students the method of block and punch. And they make students repeat it countless times so that it becomes part of their reflex. Once someone attacks them they block and punch them habitually. So now you know how powerful auto suggestion is, so practice it daily to have benefits from it. 

Third step: Power of positive instructions

  • Don’t give negative instructions to your mind

Don’t give negative instructions to your mind, always give positive instructions. Never say, I don’t do this? I don’t want this? Or negative stuff like that. While auto suggesting make sure to eliminate no, not, never, from your mind. 

  • Use opposite instructions

 As well as give opposite instructions to your mind. What is the opposite instruction? 

Opposite instruction is what you want to teach your mind, tell the exact opposite of that. 

For example, If you don’t want to be angry, then don’t tell your mind that I don’t want to be angry,I am not angry, I don’t want to shout, but instead tell your mind that I am happy, I am calm, I am enjoying life. 

This is called giving your mind positive but opposite instructions. 

  • Always use present tense, 

While auto suggesting, never use future tense like I want to do, always use present tense like I am doing this,even if you are not yet doing it, because the only reality that exists is present , so make sure to use present tense while auto suggesting. 

And this method will maximize the effects of auto suggestion on your mind. 

Fourth step:The Role of Imagination

Imagination plays a crucial role in auto-suggestion. Vividly visualizing the desired outcome enhances the effectiveness of the technique. So be creative with what you want, but still remember to use the power of the present moment while using auto suggestions, and use it with such a belief that it is happening in a moment. 

Fifth step:State of Relaxation

It is recommended  to induce a relaxed state while affirming to enhance receptivity. So you can use some breathing techniques before using auto suggestions. 

Benefits of auto suggestion

  1. Cultivates a positive mindset by reinforcing optimistic thoughts and beliefs, fostering a more optimistic outlook on life.
  2. Reduces stress levels through relaxation techniques and calming the mind, promoting a sense of inner peace and tranquility.
  3. Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem by affirming positive statements and visualizing success, leading to a greater sense of self-assurance.
  4. Improves focus and concentration by training the mind to remain attentive and centered on specific goals or tasks, enhancing productivity and performance.
  5. Facilitates behavioral change by reprogramming the subconscious mind to adopt new habits, break free from negative patterns, and achieve desired outcomes.
  6. Increases motivation and determination by repeating motivational affirmations and visualizing goals, igniting a sense of purpose and drive.
  7. Enhances sleep quality by engaging in relaxation techniques as part of auto suggestion practices, promoting better rest and rejuvenation.
  8. Fosters emotional resilience by instilling a sense of empowerment and inner strength to cope with challenges and setbacks effectively.
  9. Stimulates creativity and innovation by accessing the subconscious mind and unleashing imaginative potential, inspiring fresh ideas and solutions.
  10. Improves relationships by enhancing communication skills, empathy, and understanding, fostering deeper connections and harmony.
  11. Aids in pain management by modulating perception and enhancing pain tolerance through guided visualization and relaxation techniques.
  12. Supports better decision-making by aligning thoughts and intentions with desired outcomes, leading to clearer and more rational choices.
  13. Promotes a healthier lifestyle by encouraging the adoption of positive habits and choices, such as exercise, nutrition, and self-care practices.
  14. Contributes to spiritual growth by facilitating inner exploration, connection with higher consciousness, and a deeper understanding of the self and the universe.
  15. Enhances overall well-being by fostering a harmonious balance between mind, body, and spirit, leading to greater fulfillment and happiness in life.

Belief in Success

 Coué’s the founder of this concept has the principle of “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better” Which gives the idea of fostering a belief in continuous improvement. So while auto suggesting, believe in what you are telling yourself . 

Question Time:

Tell me the answer to whether horse riding is the rider?

 Or a rider riding a horse? 

Let’s suppose a rider is riding a horse and while riding there came a hole, he said jump and  horse jumped. Again while riding another hole came, he said jump , the horse jumped again. And he repeated the same process again and again. 

But after some time the rider got tired and slept. There came another hole. This time the rider didn’t say jump but the horse still jumped. 

Now the rider is not riding the horse but the horse is riding the rider. That means repetition makes patterns and the mind follows the pattern. 

So Auto-suggestion involves the intentional influence of one’s thoughts and behavior through self-directed, repetitive statements or affirmations. This technique aims to reprogram the subconscious mind, fostering positive beliefs and influencing behavior. So believe in your intentional thoughts and make them real. 

For more in depth knowledge about auto suggestion consider visiting https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/autosuggestion&ved=2ahUKEwjMvPObsOmEAxXI0gIHHfbjDLIQFnoECCYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3rqDrCUlfj00jixFDedMXl

1 thought on “Auto suggestion : Be a master of your own mind”

  1. The benefits of auto-suggestion listed in the blog are impressive, ranging from cultivating a positive mindset and reducing stress levels to enhancing self-confidence and improving decision-making. The inclusion of examples from famous figures like Muhammad Ali and the analogy of horse riding effectively reinforce the power of repetition and belief in shaping our thoughts and outcomes.

    Overall, this blog post serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding and harnessing the power of auto-suggestion. It provides clear explanations, practical steps, and relatable examples, making it engaging and informative. Well done!

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