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Attitude Is gratitude:elevate life with 11 practical tips

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Attitude is gratitude

Attitude is gratitude: Elevate life with 11 practical tips

Let’s understand first what are these both concepts or are they really important to have a better life. Because our ultimate goal is to live a better and healthy life. 

Attitude is the filter through which we see the world and gratitude is like a splash of water to keep the filter clean.

To benefit from gratitude, you should learn to Develop an attitude of gratitude.

Navigating your Inner Compass: Unveiling and Shaping your Attitude

Let me make it more clear with this common example of half  full glass of water. When someone will show you a glass and ask you what you can see, will you answer that half glass is empty or will you say half glass is filled with water? 

Ask yourself, 

If your answer is the second one where you can see that half glass is filled with water congratulations you have the ability to see positive. When you can see what you have, you will be grateful and it’s easy for you to develop an attitude of gratitude . 

But if your answer is half glass is empty then you belong to the majority of people who have the habit of seeing what they are lacking. That means they don’t have the ability to be grateful. 

Yes, I said the majority of the population in the world can only see what they don’t have and complain about it. We have built an ora of negativity around us which can only attract more negativity. 

That means we are lacking the attitude of gratitude. Why I said gratitude is an attitude, because attitude is something inbuilt and gratitude too. But with time they become blurred with the negativity of the world, the only need is to keep your window of attitude clean with the help of gratitude.

Beyond “Thank you”: Creative Expression Of Gratitude

I have talked about 3 stages of gratitude in my other blog

Where I have talked about how verbal thank you is just a shallow stuff. 

Because by only saying others thank you, I am grateful and stuff like that doesn’t actually mean you are thankful to others by heart.

 When we are grateful to others with our heart, our attitude to that person shows him . We respect that person, we try to make things easier for us, we will be available for him in time of need. We try to share every positive thing with him.This is what gratitude is and this is what the attitude of gratitude is. 

Sharing Is Caring

I am in love with this proverb, it teaches us the highest level of gratitude which is sharing. Unless we are willing to share our blessings with the person we are grateful for, our attitude of gratitude towards that person didn’t complete. 

Same goes with God, unless we follow his path, unless we become obedient, unless we can go to extreme to obey him we are not truly grateful for what he granted us.

Breaking it Down: Understanding The Roots Of Ungratefulness

Let’s simplify this topic with another example, like

If you always go to your work walking on your feets and there is a person sitting on a wheelchair who sees you and thinks how lucky you are that you have the legs you can walk on.

 But on the other hand you are seeing the person riding on a bicycle and you think it will be great if you can ride that bicycle. But you know the person riding a bicycle sees the motorcycle rider with envy.

Motorcycle riders want a car. A car driver wants Mercedes but you know what the person who has Mercedes also thinks that if he could own his airplane he will be happy. 

So that means no one is content with what they have. Everyone wants what they don’t have and that is the reason why we are unhappy. We have linked our happiness with the outer world. 

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The Unhappiness Puzzle:Decoding The Factors That Dim Our Joy

We think that we would be happy if we have this, we could have enjoyed our life if we have that. And this is the reason we all are unhappy. Our belief that the more we have the more happier we will be is completely wrong. 

Because happiness is closely linked with acknowledgement of what we already have. The gratefulness over things which we have. In this fast paced world where we are too busy to ask ourselves why we are unhappy. Even after having all the luxuries we once wanted, why are we still unhappy?

 Maybe there is a problem in our way of thinking or the problem lies within ourselves. Why exactly are we unhappy? When we find the time and ask ourselves, maybe we will be able to figure out the answer. 

Let’s calm down for a moment and put your hand on your heart and ask yourself the reason for unhappiness. The answer will be clear that we are unhappy because we are not satisfied with what we have,we are running behind our shallow wishes. 

When our one dream or one wish is fulfilled we don’t slow down to enjoy it , celebrate it and show gratitude to God. We constantly ask for more. We never have enough to show thankfulness to the Giver. 

This is the sole reason for unhappiness. 

And ladies and gentlemen let me clearly state it unless you learn to acknowledge unless you learn to be grateful you will never be happy. Unless you learn the attitude of gratitude you will never be able to know the true meaning of happiness.

Ways To Develop Attitude Of Gratitude

Clearly you cannot achieve this attitude in a day or two. It’s like a muscle the more you use it the more it becomes flexible. So you have to practice it, you have to incorporate it in your daily life if you want this attitude as a part of yourself. 

  • Make a habit of appreciating everything,good or bad. Because it’s a way to turn bad things into good ones. 
  • Start asking yourselves daily what exactly you can be grateful for. 
  • Find out things you already own. Make a list of them.
  • Daily include three things in your list. 
  • Not only things you own but count your achievements too. 
  • Give yourself credit for them. 
  • But don’t be a narcissist, be modest and give others credit for things they have done for you. 
  • Connect yourself with nature. 
  • Go back to nature and try to find out your purpose of living. 
  • Surround yourself with positive people. 
  •  At the end please try to reconnect yourselves with your creator. Try to learn the benefits of gratitude in spirituality Here… .

I believe that an attitude of gratitude comes from the place of abundance, when you feel like you own everything. You feel rich. And when you feel rich in a positive way, then all the negative energies won’t bother you. 

And if you are feeling low, go to nature, find peace because I believe nature is a healer. Try to find out the gifts that nature has given us. Feel grateful for nature because its love is equal for everyone and everything

Consistency Is The Key

Take one step at a time. Don’t push yourself too hard. Everything can be achieved in due course. So be consistent with your practice of gratitude and there will be time when it will become a part of yourself. When you will have the attitude of gratitude. 

If you want to learn how emotional well-being is important for long term happiness  please visit

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