20240118 172315 0000 min Emotional well-being

How to improve Emotional well-being

20240118 172315 0000 min Emotional well-being

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

Nelson Mandela

Before learning about how to improve emotional well-being, 

  • Happy
  • Sad
  • Hopeful
  • Hopeless
  • Excited
  • Joyous
  • Greatful
  • Sick
  • Angry
  • Or have no feeling

Here is a question for you: How are you feeling right now? 

Be sure to  check your emotional state before reading and tell me how you are feeling after you are done reading my blog. 

To make the concept of emotional well-being more easy and understandable I came up with this beautiful example, 

Life is like a jar of emotions. Consider it as it has mixture of different paint colors as emotions and make a palette out of it, which reflects the complexity, yet beauty of emotional experiences. It has a color of happiness, hope ,sadness, gratitude, anger, joy and a tint of disappointment. 

But that’s what makes life beautiful. Life is rich with emotions which sometimes make it overwhelming if not handled properly but if we learn how to deal with our emotions in the right way there is nothing which is more beautiful than our emotions. 

Take Emotions as tiny little seeds, we need to nurture them, water them, bring them out into the sunshine so they can grow bigger and healthier. When we help them grow they return us with our lifeline oxygen and also some food as a compliment.

Emotional well-being is just the same if we nurture them properly they will benefit us. 

Why emotional well-being is important

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”


With the rapid emergence of AI into a common lifestyle, the intriguing use of the Internet made our life so complex and difficult to handle.

We now have things which the man from centuries ago  couldn’t even imagine but we also have problems they can’t even think of. And this complexity of lives emerges into the complexity of emotions; it has the power to create disaster.

We need to keep our boundaries clean like when water of two different colors of rivers can meet each other but can’t mix into one another. 

“Happiness is not something ready- made. It comes from your own actions.”

Dalai Lama

I have made a list of modern things which in my opinion affect our emotional well-being in a negative way when not used properly. If you disagree with any of my point feel free to share your thoughts. 

Social media:”The Digital Tapestry”

Have you ever weave in your life or seen someone doing so. I have did so. I have woven woolen socks for me, now come on stop making fun of me .

I am not teaching you here how to do weaving but my point here is that it’s such a delicate job once you miss a thread or took the wrong one in, your whole design turn into mess. Weaving is not difficult but it requires strong attention. 

The same goes with social media. We have weaned it into our lives in such a delicate way that we cannot pull it out of our lives. But to not let ourselves be influenced by it we need a ton and ton of attention.

We need to understand that some fictional beauty is being presented to us then factual one. We need to learn to differentiate the threads while weaving it into our lives whether we are taking the right one or not. 

Competition in life: “The Marathon of Self Discovery.”

We have turned our lives into marathons. We are running, we are competing and we are taking the challenges of life heads on. 

We have learned that humans have endless possibilities to win the race of life. But what we forget is that life is a marathon not a sprint.

We need  to compete against ourselves, we need to reinvent the meaning of our existence, we need to focus on ourselves rather than others. 

We should learn that our each step forward is a stride for self discovery, where the real triumph lies not in outpacing others but in embracing our unique journey. 

Impact of film industry: Realm of emotional roller coaster, 

In today’s world hundreds of films are being released every year. And recently in most of the movies the protagonists are villains and the story is revolving around how they become villains. People are more inspired by the Joker than Superman.

Or even through heroes the movie makers are trying to portray that even though you are a womanizer or murderer you still can be a hero like James Bond. These kinds of films have a huge impact on the emotional wellbeing of youngsters. They think that even by choosing the wrong path they still can be happy and live a satisfactory life. 

Health Deterioration: “The Symphony Of Wellbeing

Our body is like an orchestra playing the music of harmony. And when one instrument is disrupted it leaves us vulnerable. It makes a huge impact on emotional well-being. Because we cannot play the melody of health without the instrument of emotions. 

Losing a loved one: “The Echo Of Memories.”

When we lose a loved one as if the echo of their memories lingers in the corner of our minds. The illusions of their lives stops us from being happy in the moment.

Humans are very vulnerable in emotions about their relationships and when he loosed one it is as if he loosed the hope to live. And this leads to the emotional deterioration of a person. 

Compare and contrast between mental health and emotional health

Research constantly emphasizes the connection between emotional well-being and overall health. Individuals equipped with strong emotional well-being are more likely to be able to handle stress , have health and build better relationships and can contribute to a healthy society. 

According to WHO 

”Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing” . 

So health is not only an absence of disease, it is a positive mind, kind heart, good behavior . 

So  Greek philosophy rightly said that “A healthy mind is a healthy body”.

The crucial role of emotional-wellbeing in children,

I am a mother myself and I know how childs are emotionally vulnerable and weak. They have not yet experienced the cruelty of outside world. They are innocent but they have the great ability to absorb what they are seeing and hearing.

It’s the time for them form the emotional barrier against certain situations so it’s our duty as a parent or a care taker of a child to provide such an atmosphere to child in which they grow emotionally healthy and vibrant. 

Recently I have watched a video where a mother was trying to teach her son writing some digits and beating him when he wasn’t able to write.And the child was crying and begging his mother that stop beating he will learn to write. 

When I watched that video I had goosebumps and I instantly wanted to hug that child and comfort him that everything will be fine and he will eventually learn to write. 

I also wanted to tell his mother that this beating can lead to life long impact on emotional health of a child. She is completely destroying the child’s life. Violence is not a solution for anything.

That child for his whole life he may not be able to connect himself with studying or maybe he grow hatred for books. But Alas! I wasn’t able to do that but I hope when you read this you would stop behaving with child’s in such manners. Believe me if you do so you are taking the step towards the better future for your child. 

Crafting emotional wellbeing in adulthood,

As a 21st century generation we as older adults face a lot of challenges in daily life. We are surrounded with career challenges, cyber war,relationship challenges even  our healths are deteriorating in such young ages. All of these make us stressful and can lead to depression. But we need to realize that if we want to shine in this superficial world we need to be emotionally strong. We need to grow resilience to be able to fight back the challenges that life throw at us. 

Proactive steps for children emotional well-being

  • First and foremost listen to the children carefully
  • Answer there question calmly
  • Don’t shout on your children
  • Don’t beat them
  • Give them confidence of being the favorite child
  • Try to see the world from there point of view
  • Let them explore the world in there way 
  • And let them the kind of child they want to be
  • Don’t always act as grown up but be a kid sometime and emerge yourself in the world of kids. 

Fine tuning emotional wellbeing in adults

There are some ways to  ensure emotional well-being

Nurturing Relationships

In the world of social media we have lost the ability to judge who is genuine and loyal to us or who is just a time pass. Whom should we give priority and whom should we ignore? We have lost connection with our true relations and with our original identity.

And when a person is away from his originality he can become emotionally vulnerable so to ensure emotional well-ness it is important that you should reconnect with your loved ones and surround yourselves with positive and loyal people rather than just keyword warriors. 


Exercise is a good way to release negativity because when we exercise hard nor only our health can be improved as well as when we exercise our body releases endorphins  which is a feel good hormone. So exercise can boost our emotional well-being as well. 

Prioritize  quality sleep

During sleep our mind and body relaxes and produces good hormones. Level of cortisol ( stress hormone)also decreases during sleep. So quality sleep is essential for overall health. 

Realistic goals setting

Set realistic goals which can be achieved over time. Break larger goals into smaller chunks and after achieving every single task celebrate it and give yourself complement. 

 For example: I have started to find joy in little victories like successfully untangling ear phones. It’s the small victories that keeps me emotionally fit. 

Joyful pursuit:hobbies

Take some time to enjoy your favorite hobbies. It can give a sense of relaxation and achievement. 

Like my hobby these days is to make you smile. 

Show Gratitude

While lamenting on what we don’t have, we often forget to be thankful for what we already have. Taking some time , show gratitude can promote a positive and humble mindset. 

Recently, I have tried to make a list of things I am grateful for, but my daughter sat on it perhaps she was trying to remind me appreciating the moment is more important then writing it down. 

Effective time management

Distribute your work throughout the day. Leave important tasks for the time when you feel more energetic during the day. Learn to say no and try to learn your limits to avoid over commitments. 

Nutrients rich diet

Make sure to eat a well balanced diet. Give yourself a treat of your favorite foods. Focus on food while eating , feel blessed with every bite you are having. And thank God for such wonderful food. Pro tip chocolates and pizza are more good to make you happy. 


If you don’t want to inject negativity into others, be open about your problems and find support from family and friends. Talk to them, tell them about your problems and try to solve them with their help. 

You can also share it with us we will be more than happy to hear it. 

Professional support

When you feel necessary you should opt for professional support. They can better guide you how to overcome emotional imbalance and promote emotional wellbeing.

Stop being so stubborn about mental health issues it’s normal to have one so chill and see a specialist if needed otherwise optimistaa.com is here for your help. 

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